Monday, December 14, 2009


Campus ministry is very, very busy during the fifteen weeks of each semester and is much less busy during holiday and summer breaks. When I talk to people, both friends and family, they often slyly grin when this time of year comes around as they assume I simply take vacation. My defenses go up because it seems that people really think I just sit around during breaks and do relatively nothing. I admit, I am very blessed in this ministry with flexibility and slow times of break. But I am also very conscious that people are financially supporting me to work full-time, those people are working full-time, and if I don't use the slow time wisely I am going to crash in the busy times. So, what does a campus pastor do during holiday breaks? I work.

*Prepare for the next semester's teaching. In the spring we'll be having weekly small groups themed around introducing the Old Testament story and weekly worship nights with the book of Revelation as the theme. I will be preparing both of these and if I don't start now, the quality will be low. Study is essential.

*Prepare for next semester's everything else. Planning activities, getting ready for Spring break and much more.

*Pray. As a pastor it is my job to pray so I'll be praying for the students, praying for the next semester. Pray, pray, pray!

*Fundraise. This is always happening but I especially focus on it during the holidays. Getting in touch with alumni and others, trying to raise support.

*Read. I love to read anyway and while anything I read may enrich my ministry, it is especially books on theology, culture and such that really help. So I will be reading books, seeking to grow as a person in order to better minister.

*Stay in contact with students. I will send out weekly devotional emails as I do on Fridays during the semester; I will also seek to keep in touch with them, talk with them (via email, Facebook, phone, whatever), listen to them and pray with them.

That's a start. It is pretty sweet; I get to read and talk to college students for a living. Of course breaks are also refreshing and there are times for spiritual rest and renewal. But the point is, I will not be lazing around. I will be working and loving it!

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